Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Short Movie Review

A move that I found surprisingly inspiring and thoughtful, dispite the title, is the Bollywood film, The Three Idiots. The movie's title does not do it justice as it is a powerful commentary on the stresses of college and parental expectations. If one can get through the confusing first 30 minutes, and can tolerate subtitles if not fluent in Hindu, then the film will begin to take sudden turns toward serious topics while remaining entertaining. It is a film all college students must see, as it is very relatable. Professors may also take note as they can see what the consequences of thier teaching methods have upon thier students. I highly reccomend the movie, The Three Idiots.

A Master of the Written Word and Over-examination

There is a man on the Escapist Website, Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. He is a video game reviewer who creates hilarious videos on games he plays. His commentary is entertaining at face value, but there is an underlying genius to his words. Yahtzee sees things most do not even think about, and really listening to his words can leave you thinking for a good hour. The real meat to his knowledge is in his written segment, "Extra Punctuation." In these articles, he addresses things that are too depressing to intricate for his five minute videos. The one that left the most impact on me, is his article titled "What is the Matter with you People?" In it, he explains how games like Battlefield 3 are glorifying the unstoppable American Military machine and how unnervingly realistic it can be. It is just food for thought.

Class Blogs

Three class blogs that I found interesting are the ones by Jeremy Veres because I also went to Linganore, Mike Menzel, and Luke Marrone.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am Nicholas, I am studying Computer Science and hoping to get a well paying job using the knowledge I have gained. I am not going to reveal anything overly personal, as I do not trust the internet. I enjoy video games, movies of any kind, and painting models. I spend most of my time on my computer. I do not like spiders, country or rap music, and most modern television shows. The rise in dumb comedy is disheartening compared to shows that cause some use of the mind.

My favourite book is Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, and my favourite two movies are V for Vendetta and the Bollywood film, The Three Idiots. The Three Idiots is a title that gives the film no credit, it is very powerful, entertaining, and the message hits home to any in a College setting. My favourite television show is Scrubs, and my favourite band is Globus and Disturbed.