Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Master of the Written Word and Over-examination

There is a man on the Escapist Website, Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. He is a video game reviewer who creates hilarious videos on games he plays. His commentary is entertaining at face value, but there is an underlying genius to his words. Yahtzee sees things most do not even think about, and really listening to his words can leave you thinking for a good hour. The real meat to his knowledge is in his written segment, "Extra Punctuation." In these articles, he addresses things that are too depressing to intricate for his five minute videos. The one that left the most impact on me, is his article titled "What is the Matter with you People?" In it, he explains how games like Battlefield 3 are glorifying the unstoppable American Military machine and how unnervingly realistic it can be. It is just food for thought.

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